sacre_coeur folder has 100 images.
utilities.py has save_h5 and load_h5 functions to save and record the features/descriptors/matches.
SIFT keypoints of sacre_coeur images. Load it using load_h5 function. Get the keys with: all_image_names = list(kp_sift.keys()). Keys are the names of the images. The coordinates of the keypoints are the values in this dictionary.
SIFT descriptors of the sacre_coeur images. Similar construction with the keypoints dictionary.
This is the brute force matches of 2048 SIFT features with ratio test proposed by David Lowe. Keys of this dictionary are constructed as "image1_image2". Values are the indices of matched keypoints. First column is the indices for the first image. Second column is the indices for the second image.