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Illinois Structured Learning Package v1.0.0

(C) 2015 Kai-Wei Chang, Upadhyay Shyam, Ming-Wei Chang, Vivek Srikumar and Dan Roth, Cognitive Computation Group, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Table of Contents

    • Purpose
    • License
  2. System requirements
  3. Download contents
  4. Using the jar
  5. Using the Source Files
  6. Additional Documentation/ Citation
  7. Contact Information


Illinois Structured Learning Package (Illinois-SL) is a general purpose JAVA library for performing structured learning. It houses learning algorithms like averaged Structured Perceptron and Structured SVM with L2-Loss, and provides a minimal interface for your structured learning needs. The training algorithm employed for training SSVM is dual coordinate descent(DCD), which has been proven to have very good convergence properties. Illinois-SL comes with an efficient implementation of DCD with support for multi-threading. Illinois-SL provides a simple and neat framework for developing applications using structured prediction models. For advanced applications which makes use of latent structured models or indirect supervision, please check JLIS at cogcomp website.


The Illinois Structured Learning Package is available under a Research and Academic use license. For more details, visit the Curator website and click the download link.

System requirements

The Illinois Structured Learning Package was developed on and for GNU/Linux, specifically CENTOS (2.6.18-238.12.1.el5) and Scientific Linux (2.6.32-279.5.2.el6.x86_64). There are no guarantees for running it under any other operating system. The instructions below assume a Linux OS. We assume that the package is installed on a machine with sufficient memory. The actual requirement of the memory depends on the task.

Download contents

The download contains the following files:

  • dist/illinois-sl-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar : the jar file with dependencies.
  • dist/illinois-sl-1.0.0-sources.jar : the jar file
  • dist/illinois-sl-1.0.0.jar : the archive of source files
  • README.standalone : this file
  • config/ : a set of sample configuration files
  • scripts/ : scripts for testing the package
  • data/ : sample data sets
  • pom.xml : Maven pom file
  • doc/webpage/tutorial.html : A offline copy of the webpage
  • doc/apidocs : java API

The details are shown later.

Using the jar

Illinois-SL supports three types of applications -- cost-sensitive multi-class classification, reranking, and sequential tagging. Besides, these three applications, Illinois-SL also contains a simple part-of-speech tagger implementation, which takes less than 400 lines of code under ''. These applications are served as examples for using the Illinois-SL library. We provide the following scripts for these applications.

  • scripts/
  • scripts/
  • scripts/
  • scripts/

The sample data sets can be found at 'data' directory. We describe the usage of each script below.


Use the following comment to train a part of speech tagger model 'posModel' on 'data/tutorial/big.train' with DEMIParallelDCD solver:

> ./scripts/ trainPOSModel data/tutorial/big.train  config/DEMIParallelDCD.config posModel

One can use other structured learning solvers by simply specifying corresponding config file in 'config/'

Currently, we provide the following options:

  • DCD.config : a dual coordinate descent approach (single thread) for Structured SVM.
  • DEMIParallelDCD.config: DEMIDCD for Structured SVM. (see the ECML paper below)
  • ParallelDCD.config: a master-slave dual coordinate descent method for Structured SVM.
  • StrcturedPerceptron.config: a Structured Perceptron implementation.

The following script evaluates the performance of 'posModel' on 'data/tutorial/big.test':

>./scripts/ testPOSModel posModel data/tutorial/big.test


Use the following comment to train a sequential model 'seqModel' on 'data/tutorial/wsj.sub.train' with DEMIParallelDCD solver:

> ./scripts/ trainSequenceModel data/sequence/wsj.sub.train config/DEMIParallelDCD.config seqModel

Again, one can use another structured learning approach to train the model by specifying a different config file. Each line follows the following format

[Tag] qid:[example_id] [feature1_index]:[feature1_value] [feature2_index]:[feature2_value] ...

[Tag] is a positive integer representing the label. All lines with the same [example_id] belong to the same structured example.

The following comment tests 'seqModel" on 'data/sequence/wsj.sub.test' data set.

> ./scripts/ testSequenceModel seqModel data/sequence/wsj.sub.test

4.1.2 __ scripts/ __

Use the following comment to train a multiclass model 'multiModel' on 'data/multiclass/heart_scale.train' data with a cost matrix specified in 'data/multiclass/heart_scale.cost' using DEMIParallelDCD solver:

> ./scripts/ trainMultiClassModel data/multiclass/heart_scale.train data/multiclass/heart_scale.cost config/DEMIParallelDCD.config multiModel

Each line of the input data represents one instance, and it follows the following format:

[Tag] [feature1_index]:[feature1_value] [feature2_index]:[feature2_value] ...

where [Tag] is an integer representing label.

The cost matrix file specifies the loss of wrong predictions. Each line follows the following format:

[gold_label] [predicted_label] [cost]

The cost needs to be positive, and it is 0 when [gold_label]=[predicted_label].

To test the performance of 'multiModel' on 'data/multiclass/heart_scale.test', use

> ./scripts/ testMultiClassModel multiModel data/multiclass/heart_scale.test


Use the following comment to train a re-ranker on 'data/reranking/rank.train' with Strctured Perceptron

> ./scripts/ trainRankingModel data/reranking/rerank.train config/StructuredPerceptron.config  rankModel

Use the following comment to test the re-ranker model on 'data/reranking/rerank.test'

> ./scripts/ testRankingModel rankModel data/reranking/rerank.test

These scripts should be runnable on installation; However, it is possible, depending on your system configuration, that you will first need to modify the permissions on the scripts to allow you to execute them:

> chmod 744 scripts/*sh

Using the Source Files

COMMAND LINE USAGE The command lines given at the top of this README.

IMPORTING IN YOUR PROJECT Please refer to 'webpage/tutorial.html' for detailed usage of Illinois-SL library.

NOTE: When running your project, if working with a large dataset, you may need to invoke your project using the -Xmx1G and -XX:MaxPermSize=1G JVM command line parameters.

Additional Documentation/Citation

Additional documentation is available in the JavaDoc located in doc/index.html


Please cite the following papers when using this library

M.-W. Chang, V. Srikumar, D. Goldwasser and Dan Roth. Structured output learning with indirect supervision. ICML, 2010.

K.-W. Chang, V. Srikumar, D. Roth. Multi-core Structural SVM Training. ECML, 2013.

Contact Information

Please send a message to for any questions about installing or using the Curator.